FrieslandCampina had identified mornings as a key occasion to unlock growth. Friesland's brand Noynoy in Greece thus needed to cement its association with mornings. However, in a dairy-heavy market like Greece where multiple dairy categories and brands compete in morning meals context, it was imperative to ensure that the brand communication resonates and cuts through the clutter.
An unfamiliar market for the research team; results would be presented to the local client team which made it imperative for us to have a strong local and on-ground understanding of the market and subcultures of mornings, family, and meals
Heavy qualitative work
3 day mobile based self-ethnography to record mornings; followed by in-depth interviews and home / fridge audits; subsequently topped up with a breakfast immersion for clients and a cross-functional ideation workshop with clients and creative agency.
We spent time on-ground, visiting homes together with a local moderator to immerse in the local context and pick up on articulated and unarticulated needs, and need gaps.
We uncovered how the semiotics of mornings had changed post Greece's economic crisis - there was a need now to put a more positive spin on mornings, to signal hope and energy rather than dreariness; we realised that while there is chatter about gender roles, invariably it is still the mum who is the hero of the mornings rather than the dad. We uncovered certain key tensions that could be played onto to better communicate and resonate with mums, kids, and families, borrowing from our observations and interactions with them.
For instance - the need to ease mums' tension around kids' nutrition when they leave home after their morning meals; the need to become a source of warmth and positivity; the stress mums go through; and the need for a stronger, more active and clear association between milk and mornings.
Through collaborative brainstorming in an ideation workshop facilitated, a creative brief was subsequently arrived at that highlighted the need for mums to be the hero, capture the bustle of the mornings but with warmth and positivity rather than stress and dreariness, and highlight 1 glass of milk as a hero element.
✔️ New TVC launched, reflecting updated morning realities in a way that would resonate with Greek households